Conference: "The Foral Treasury and Finance Departments: 30 years of management of the Economic Agreement (1981-2011)"


Bilbao: February 3-4, 2011.
The aim is to analyze the formation, activity and management of the Tax Administrations of the Historical Territories during the last 30 years, from different perspectives:
– History (essentials on which the renewed Tax Administrations operate)
– Law ( their legal – constitutional lace in the Spanish and European context)
– Economy (Budgetary policy their activity as collectors and agents of public resources)
– Socio-political (the perception, impact and effects of their activity in the political life).
Papers can be sent in Basque, Spanish, French or English to the Documentation Center, before November 30, 2010, in any of the four sections. They should not exceed 30.000 characters,
including notes, graphs and charts. They will be presented in word (.doc or.docx) by e-mail, cd or diskette, together with the application information.
The resolution of the evaluation process and the papers selection will be communicated to the authors before December 31.
– Free admission.
– “Free choice credits” will be calculated in the UPV/EHU