- ÁlavaEuropeTaxesXXI Century
- 2012/02/03
In 2010 Vitoria-Gasteiz, the capital of Euskadi, was given the 2012 European Green Capital Award by the European Union. This award opens a window of opportunity to promote Vitoria-Gasteiz and Euskadi Europe wide. Aware of this reality and the social and economic opportunities attached to it, the Diputación Foral de Alava (Traditional Governing Institution) has passed a resolution declaring the event as “an special, exceptional and of high public interest”. Due to this recognition, the special provision contemplated in the Foral Law 16/2004, related to sponsorship of non profit activities will apply in this case.
With this initiative Vitoria-Gasteiz hopes to attract necessary company investment and engage public participation in the initiatives organized to present the Basque capital as a sustainable model of European middle size city.
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