Ituna Center


Ituna Center for Basque Economic Agreement and Fiscal Federalism Studies


In this section, you can find current news related to the Economic Agreement of the Basque Autonomous Community and the financial and tax activities of the provincial councils, aiming to broaden knowledge and public opinion regarding the Economic Agreement, the Provincial Treasuries, and, more generally, public finances in the Basque Autonomous Community.

  • 2024/03/25

Catalan Fiscal Pact and Basque Economic Agreement

The Generalitat's proposal for a Catalan Fiscal Pact has once again put the existence of the Basque Economic Agreement...

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  • 2023/12/15

A green local financing system

A green local financing system (Fedea) - Julio López Laborda, Andoni Montes Nebreda and Jorge Onrubia Fernández.

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  • 2023/04/24

146 years have passed since the dissolution of the General Meetings of Bizkaia in 1877

It is also the 146th anniversary of the dissolution, by order of Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, of the last...

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  • 2022/03/30

Economic Agreement… 144 years – José Luis Etxeberria

José Luis Etxeberria Monasterio has prepared the following article on the occasion of the 144th anniversary of the first...

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Foru gobernuak Europar Batasuneko maila anitzeko gobernantza fiskalean
  • 2021/11/30

Regional governments in the multi-level fiscal governance of the European Union

This work aims to analyse the participation of regional institutions in the forums of the European Union, especially in...

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Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 11 de septiembre de 2008
  • 2021/09/13

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 11 September 2008: a compilation of facts and documents

Article by Jose Luis Etxeberria, former Chief Counsel of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, on the Judgment of the...

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Conclusiones sobre el estudio de Opinión Pública y Política Fiscal (XXXVIII)
  • 2021/09/09

Analysis of the study “Public Opinion and Fiscal Policy (XXXVIII)” of the CIS

Main conclusions of study number XXXVIII on Public Opinion and Fiscal Policy carried out by the CIS in July...

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diputacion foral de bizkaia
  • 2020/06/15

Minimum Vital Income: a singularity of the regional system

The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, has assured that this is "a historic measure in our democracy".

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Mapa territorial España
  • 2020/06/03

Loyalty does not mean submission: On the Covid19 measures and the apparently surprising features of the Spanish territorial model

Reflection article on the "centralist" turn of the system of intergovernmental relations and the territorial organization model of Spain...

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federalismo aleman
  • 2020/05/04

The management of the pandemic highlights the German federalism model

Germany has become a benchmark in coordination between the different levels of government when it comes to adopting public...

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