Ituna Center

Current Legislation

Current legislation regarding the Basque Economic Agreement and the Quota

Basque Economic Agreement

Law 10/2017, of December 28

Amending Law 12/2002, of May 23.

Law 7/2014, of April 21

Amending Law 12/2002, of May 23.

Law 28/2007, of October 25

Amending Law 12/2002, of May 23.

Law 12/2002, of May 23

Approving the Economic Agreement with the Basque Autonomous Community.


Law 11/2017, of December 28

Approving the methodology for determining the quota for the Basque Autonomous Community for the 2017-2021 five-year period.

Arbitration Committee

Royal Decree 335/2014, of May 9

Amending the Regulation of the Arbitration Committee provided for in the Economic Agreement with the Basque Autonomous Community, approved by Royal Decree 1760/2007, of December 28.

Harmonization Law

Law 3/1989, of May 30

On harmonization, coordination, and tax cooperation.

Documents on the Basque Economic Agreement

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