Ituna Center

In defense of the Economic Agreement of the Basque Country

In defense of the Economic Agreement of the Basque Country

Compilation of articles written by Martín de Jústiz, Mínimo and other good Gipuzkoans in defense of our special regime, from 1930 to 1936.

Martin de Justiz

These vulgarization articles have been written with a criterion of rigorous objectivity and without any partisan interest. This is proven by the following very determining circumstances: they have been published in times of the Monarchy and in times of the Republic, with both Governments and in newspapers of different ideologies. Our purpose in writing them was to stir and awaken public opinion in the Basque Country, which had been so numbed by the bitter flag fights and, above all, by the unfortunate actions of the Provincial Managers in Alava, Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya.

1.27 MB 1936/01/01 Download