Ituna Center

Partial modification of the Economic Agreement

Partial modification of the Economic Agreement

Royal decree of October 25, 1900


Before establishing in the provinces of Alava, Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya the Finance Laws voted by the Cortes in the last legislature and sanctioned by S. A., the Government had to hear the respective Provincial Councils, in compliance with the provisions of art. 10 of the Royal Decree of February 10, 1894; and in response to this duty, they were summoned, coming to this Court worthily represented by individuals from within them. Several conferences have been held with the Government Commission appointed for this purpose, in which the conditions of each new contribution and tax have been carefully analyzed, the progress made by the different manifestations of wealth in each of said provinces, and the convenience, now of the State , already of the Basque Provincial Councils, to establish direct administration by the Treasury, or the Concert, prior to the fixing of a certain annual amount.

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