The two capitalist oligarchies that devour Spain
The two capitalist oligarchies that devour Spain
The economic agreement of the Vascongadas and the Autonomy of Catalonia
José Iribarne
This book is not a spiteful book, even if it has that appearance due to the harshness of its style. It is a book where the feeling of justice-virtue that inclines us to give each person what belongs to them supersedes all the others. If I had wanted to write a book of resentment, I would have used all the poisons at my disposal, all the flagellating ironies that the condottieros of current politics continually awaken in my mind with their verbal flatulence and their poorly concealed rapacities. This warning is valid for those who do not know me and for those who, knowing me, would entertain the idea of meeting the comedian again. Going against bastard interests means, within the corruption in which Spanish life unfolds, emulating the gesture of Commander Picard, rising above the atmosphere that surrounds us. I am content to carry out an essay that can be beneficial for future generations and for those who today seek to lay the foundations of a new Spain, free of the pseudo-decentralizing, separatist, filibustering, protectionist and egotistical carrion. I have never looked at my navel as if it were that of the nation, but rather as the navel of a modest citizen who has the same rights, the same duties and the same obligations as others.