Ituna Center


Ituna Center for Basque Economic Agreement and Fiscal Federalism Studies

History and Current Status of the Basque Economic Agreement

Selection of educational videos to understand the details of the history and current status of the Basque Economic Agreement.

The Economic Agreement and the Foral Financing Model

Infographic created by the Ad Concordiam Association on the genesis of the Economic Agreement and the current foral financing model.

Presentation by Pedro Luis Uriarte: “The Basque Economic Agreement. A Personal Perspective.”

Presentation given by Pedro Luis Uriarte explaining key aspects to understand the Economic Agreement (2015 – Deusto Business Alumni).

What is the Basque Quota?

Selection of videos to understand the details of the Basque Quota.

The Quota is the contribution that the Basque Country makes to the Spanish State as a contribution to the exercise of the competencies not assumed by the former and exercised by the latter. In this way, the Quota constitutes the mechanism that balances the “deficit” financing situation of the State, a consequence of the financing legal framework established by the Statute of Autonomy and the Economic Concert, which provides significant fiscal capacity to the Basque Country.

Infographic on the Foundations and Functioning of the Quota

Infographic created by the Ad Concordiam Association explaining the foundations and functioning of the Quota.

Pedro Luis Uriarte Explains the Quota to a Group of Students

Pedro Luis Uriarte explains the origin of the Economic Agreement and how the quota functions today.

Documents on the Basque Economic Agreement

Digital Library

The center offers a variety of books, articles, and publications available for consultation in its digital library.


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