Ituna Center

Workshops and Congresses

The Port of Bilbao as a Socioeconomic Engine of Euskadi

Competitiveness, Taxation, and Employment

The Ituna Center (UPV/EHU – Faculty of Economics and Business), in collaboration with the Port of Bilbao, organized a dissemination and debate panel on November 22 regarding the present and future of the Port of Bilbao as a socioeconomic engine of Euskadi. The event took place in the Elhuyar Room of the Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao.

The Socioeconomic Impact of the Port of Bilbao on Euskadi and Its Hinterland

Andima Ormaetxe, Director of Operations, Logistics, and Strategy at the Port Authority of Bilbao.

XII Ituna Conference

Economic Agreement and Financial Autonomy

The (Dis)Engagement of the Provincial Treasuries with the Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability Law

XII Ituna Conference – Economic Agreement and Financial Autonomy: The (Dis)Engagement of the Provincial Treasuries with the Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability Law. Present and Future, held on October 31, 2023. The event was organized by the Documentation and Research Center for the Economic Agreement and Provincial Treasuries, the Association for the Promotion and Dissemination of the Economic Agreement Ad Concordiam, and the Departments of Contemporary History and Public Law at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

The Agreements of the Joint Commission Regarding Debt and Deficit as a Consequence of Covid-19

Presentation delivered by Mikel Erkoreka, Ituna Center and Department of Public Policies and Economic History (UPV/EHU).

The Principle of Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability in Light of the Singularity of Historical Territories

Presentation delivered by Edriga Aranburu, Deusto Business School.

The Effective Integration of Budgetary Stability into the Economic Agreement Regime

Presentation delivered by Enrique Lucas, Member of the General Council of the Judiciary and Professor of Constitutional Law (UPV/EHU).

Provincial Debt: The Eternal Return of a Multisecular Debate (19th-21st Centuries)

Presentation delivered by Eduardo Alonso, Ituna Center and Department of Contemporary History (UPV/EHU).

Fiscal Autonomy and Financial Sustainability in Multilevel Governance Contexts: A View on Its Application in Euskadi

Presentation delivered by Aitziber Beldarrain, Director of Institutional Resources in the Department of Economy and Finance of the Basque Government.

XI Ituna Conference

Fiscal awareness in the Basque Country

XI Ituna Conference: Fiscal Awareness in Euskadi, held in Bilbao (Bizkaia Aretoa) on March 14, 2023. The event was organized by the Documentation and Research Center for the Economic Agreement and Provincial Treasuries, the Association for the Promotion and Dissemination of the Economic Agreement Ad Concordiam, and the Departments of Contemporary History and Public Law at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

Fostering Fiscal Awareness with a Behavioral Economics Approach

Presentation delivered by Pablo Grande (State Tax Inspector).

The Social and Media Legitimacy of Taxes

Presentation delivered by María Goenaga (Professor of Applied Sociology, UCM).

Tax Education Program

Presentation delivered by José Ramón Martínez (Head of the Service for Coordination and Fiscal Collaboration in the Department of Economy and Finance of the Basque Government).

Strategies to Strengthen Tax Compliance in Bizkaia

Presentation delivered by Joseba Garmendia (Head of the Coordination Service for the Inspection of the Provincial Treasury of Bizkaia).

Cultural Homogenization and Tax Culture in the Basque Country: 19th-21st Centuries

Presentation delivered by Eduardo Alonso (Professor of Contemporary History, UPV/EHU, and Deputy Director of the Ituna Center).

Comparative Analysis of Tax Morality Levels Between the Basque Country and Spain

Presentation delivered by Jon Garro (Ituna Center for Basque Economic Agreement and Fiscal Federalism Studies, UPV/EHU).

Municipal Tax Management

Presentation delivered by Olga Barrio (Director of Tax Management at the Bilbao City Council).

IACFS 2022 Conference

Fiscal federalism, territorial inequalities and the management of subnational public finances

The International Association of Centers for Federal Studies (IACFS), founded in 1977, is one of the leading international associations for research, dissemination and consulting on federalism. Currently, it has more than 30 affiliated centers or institutes from all continents and covers the main federal countries in the world.

The IACFS Annual Conference is one of the most important international academic events on federalism. At this year’s Conference, fiscal federalism, territorial inequalities and the management of subnational public finances will be studied and debated.

Session 1 – Fiscal federalism, crises and financial imbalances

Session 2 – Fiscal federalism, a tale on diversity – part 1

Session 2 – Fiscal federalism, a tale on diversity – part 2

Session 3 – Fiscal equalization, intergovernmental transfers and disparities

Ronald Watts Young Researcher Award

X Ituna Conference

The Quota in Light of Its Negotiators and Protagonists (1841-2022)

The quota is one of the elements of the Economic Agreement that garners the most attention in Basque, Spanish, and international research on fiscal federalism. Given the general interest in the issue of the quota within our society, and in light of the potential negotiations that will take place this year to approve the new Five-Year Quota Law, the aim of the X Conference on the Economic Agreement is to analyze and reflect on the evolution of the quota from its origins to the present, with special attention to the current quota system developed since 1981.

José María Iruarrizaga “Opening Act”

The Provincial Deputy for Finance and Treasury of Bizkaia and President of Ad Concordiam, José María Iruarrizaga, was responsible for inaugurating the conference. He took the opportunity to highlight the significance of the Economic Agreement for the citizens of the Basque Country and emphasized the importance of raising public awareness about the role the Agreement plays in the well-being of society.

Joseba Agirreazkuenaga & Eduardo Alonso “From the ‘Donation’ to the Periodic Quota: Negotiators (1800-1981)”

This presentation focuses on the historical analysis of the background and evolution of the Economic Agreement and the Quota from the year 1800 to 1981.

Pedro Luis Uriarte “The Innovative Methodology for Calculating the Quota in the 1981 Agreement”

Pedro Luis Uriarte explains the details related to the negotiation of the establishment of the methodology for the 1981 Quota.

Mikel Aranburu “The Navarra Perspective: Evolution of the Agreement and Contribution to the State”

Mikel Aranburu explains the development and characteristics of the Navarre Economic Agreement.

Gorka Moreno “Closing Act”

Closing act of the X Ituna Conference, led by Gorka Moreno.

VIII Ituna Conference

Multilevel Fiscal Governance in the European Union

The Case of the Provincial Treasuries

VIII Ituna Conference, “Multilevel Fiscal Governance in the European Union: The Case of the Provincial Treasuries,” held in Bilbao (Bizkaia Aretoa) on March 25, 2019. Organized by the Documentation and Research Center for the Economic Agreement and the Provincial Treasuries, the Association for the Promotion and Dissemination of the Economic Agreement Ad Concordiam, and the Departments of Contemporary History and Public Law at UPV/EHU.

The Participation of the Basque Country in European Institutions Since the Maastricht Treaty: Future Perspectives

Presentation delivered by Mikel Anton (Basque Government)

The Participation of Basque Institutions in International Forums on Taxation

Presentation delivered by José Rubí (Provincial Treasury of Bizkaia).

The Model of Participation of Belgian Regions in the European Union under the Principle “IN FORO INTERNO IN FORO EXTERNO”

Presentation delivered by Mikel Erkoreka (UPV/EHU).

Provincial Autonomy and European Integration in the Area of Corporate Tax

Presentation delivered by Andoni Montes (Complutense University).

VII Ituna Conference

140 Years of Economic Concert and Future Perspectives

VII Ituna Conference: “140 Years of Economic Concert and Future Perspectives”, held in Bilbao (Bizkaia Aretoa) on March 1, 2018. Organized by the Center for Documentation and Research on the Economic Concert and Provincial Treasuries, alongside the Departments of Contemporary History and Public Law at the UPV/EHU.

1878: The End of the War and the Birth of the Economic Agreement

Presentation delivered by Eduardo J. Alonso (UPV/EHU).

1978. A year of transition, from dictatorship to democracy. On the threshold of a new Economic Agreement

Presentation delivered by Juan María Ollora (Former Deputy General of Álava).

The Economic Agreement: A Dynamic System in Constant Adaptation

Presentation delivered by Mikel Erkoreka (UPV/EHU).

The Future of the Economic Agreement: Its Challenges within the European Union

Presentation by Iñaki Alonso (Provincial Council of Bizkaia).

Documents on the Basque Economic Agreement

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