Ituna Center for Basque Economic Agreement and Fiscal Federalism Studies
In this section, you can find current news related to the Economic Agreement of the Basque Autonomous Community and the financial and tax activities of the provincial councils, aiming to broaden knowledge and public opinion regarding the Economic Agreement, the Provincial Treasuries, and, more generally, public finances in the Basque Autonomous Community.
- 2018/06/25
El Consejo de la Unión Europea fija permanentemente el tipo normal mínimo del IVA en el 15%
El 22 de junio de 2018, el Consejo ha adoptado una Directiva que dota de carácter permanente al tipo...
Read article- 2018/05/22
Los conceptos de residencia fiscal y establecimiento permanente: perspectiva desde la normativa tributaria foral vasca
Susana Serrano-Gazteluurrutia, profesora de Derecho Financiero y Tributario de la UPV/EHU, ha publicado un artículo en relación con los...
Read article- 2018/05/21
Una delegación de la comisión de Presupuestos del Parlamento Europeo ha visitado Euskadi para evaluar los proyectos financiados por la Unión Europea
La delegación, presidida por la eurodiputada Eider Gardiazabal (S&D, ES), e integrada por los eurodiputados Georgios Kyrtsos (PPE, EL),...
Read article- 2018/05/20
Two interesting statistics: unemployment rates and financial resilience of the EU regions
More than 80% of the NUTS 2 regions of the European Union saw their unemployment rate for persons aged...
Read article- 2018/04/06
Eurostat published the statistics on the distribution of general government expenditure in the EU in 2016
Among the main functions of general government expenditure in the European Union (EU), ‘social protection’ was by far the...
Read article- 2018/02/15
Do Corporate Income Tax Rates Cuts Create Jobs? The European Experience
The paper assesses the impact of changes in the effective corporate tax rate on the unemployment rate in Europe...
Read article- 2017/10/11
Time-varying fiscal spending multipliers in the UK
We study fiscal spending multipliers of the UK economy using a time-varying parameter factor augmented vector autoregressive (TVP-FAVAR) model....
Read article- 2017/08/21
Effective marginal and average tax rates in the 2017 italian taxbenefit system for individuals and households
The personal income tax influences, through marginal and average tax rates, income redistribution, labour supply, and tax evasion. In...
Read article- 2017/07/22
Non-Tax Revenue in the European Union: A Source of Fiscal Risk?
This paper examines the characteristics of government non-tax revenue in the European Union. Nontax revenue includes a large number...
Read article- 2017/06/19
Stock option taxation: a missing piece in european innovation policy?
Venture capital has become a dominant form of innovation finance, used by many high-tech startups. Europe lags the U.S....
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Documents on the Basque Economic Agreement
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