If comparative federalism, multilevel governance or intergovernmental relations are what you deal with in your work, we warmly invite you to apply to become our Federal Scholar in Residence.

The yearly ‘Federal Scholar in Residence Programme’ welcomes both academics and practitioners to the Institute for Comparative Federalism at Eurac Research, located in
Bolzano, South Tyrol (Northern Italy). The winner of each year’s programme is granted a research residency of up to 3 weeks at our research center. Expenses for travel and accommodation are covered.

Eurac Research requires that applications be sent in at the latest by July 1st of each year. Applications must contain a not yet published manuscript (in English, German, Italian,
French or Spanish), an abstract in English, a CV and a short motivation letter. If possible, the winner will undertake his/her residency at Eurac Research in early February, in order to
present his/her research during the renowned, international ‘Winter School on Federalism and Governance’ (www.eurac.edu/winterschool).


Please note that all detailed information about the programme, including the formal requirements and selection procedure, is available here.

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