
Ituna Center takes part in a research-design seminar on UK devolution

Three researchers from Ituna Center, Mikel Erkoreka, Jon Garro and Andoni Montes, took part on a research-design seminar on the UK devolution that took place on the 22nd of...

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The Regional Tax Authorities are preparing for the income tax campaign

The Regional Tax Authorities of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa have begun to indicate the details of the 2020 income tax campaign.

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Traspasos competenciales recientes a Euskadi

The agenda for the Transfer of Competences to the Basque Country is reactivated

The next block of transfers from the State to the Basque Country will finally be signed in April, according to the new forecast advanced by the Minister of Territorial...

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Haciendas Locales de Navarra

The Regional Parliament urges the Navarrese Government to renegotiate the Economic Agreement

The Regional Parliament urges the Navarrese Government to 'prepare a modification of the Economic Agreement law regarding the consideration of the interests and the amortization quotas of all the...

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EU court finds four football teams received illegal state aid

The sports law, confirmed by Spain in 1990, forced all professional football and basketball clubs to become sports corporations.

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Multinationals pay 17% of their profits in corporate tax worldwide

Payment of corporate tax worldwide amounted to 15,017 million euros for the 112 Spanish multinationals that in 2017 had an annual turnover of more than 750 million euros.

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Research and outreach

Economic Agreement and corporate taxation. The impact of the creation of the Joint Utility Jury (1927-1933)

Article published by Mikel Erkoreka, researcher at the Ituna Center, in the first issue of 2021 of the journal Historia Contemporánea.

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Controversial aspects in conflicts between tax administrations. The underlying relevance of the Arbitration Board of the Economic Agreement

Zergak magazine includes the article "Controversial aspects in conflicts between tax administrations. The underlying relevance of the Arbitration Board of the Economic Agreement", written by Luis J. Izquierdo Pérez.

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40 years of decentralization in Spain (1978-2018): balance and perspectives

Funcas has published the book "40 years of decentralization in Spain (1978-2018): balance and perspectives", coordinated by Santiago Lago Peñas

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