
ItunaGune Sarriko

Representatives of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the UPV/EHU inaugurate the Ituna Centre of the Faculty of Economics and Business

José María Iruarrizaga and Jon Barrutia have inaugurated the ItunaGune of the Faculty of Economics and Business, the new headquarters of the Ituna Centre.

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El Centro Ituna llega a la OCDE a través de su investigador Andoni Montes

The Ituna Centre reaches the OECD through its researcher Andoni Montes

Andoni Montes will spend the next few months doing research at the Fiscal Federalism Network of the OECD.

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Bizkaia will appeal the ruling of partial nullity of the IRPF regulations

The Provincial Council of Bizkaia does not share the interpretation that the court makes of the claim presented by a private person against the procedure for filing declarations through...

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The Regional Treasuries break the historical record for tax collection in 2021

The Regional Treasuries of Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarra have released the details of the collection of agreed taxes during 2021, which have reached a historical record.

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The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa will transfer 25.1 million euros from COVID funds to the municipalities

The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has given the green light to the distribution with the municipalities of the territory of the resources activated by the State to neutralize the...

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Research and outreach

The fiscal and budgetary impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the public finances of the Basque Country: the Basque system of fiscal federalism put to the test

Mikel Erkoreka, researcher at the Ituna Center, has published the article “The fiscal and budgetary impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the public finances of the Basque Country: the Basque...

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First Ituna Award for the best TFM and TFG on the Economic Agreement and the Regional Treasuries

The Ituna Centre announces the 1st Ituna Award for the best TFM and TFG related to the Economic Agreement and the Regional Treasuries.

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Azpiazu presents the adaptation of the Economic Agreement to International Taxation at the EUTAX Observatory

The Counselor of Economy and Finance of the Basque Government, Pedro Azpiazu, met with the Director of the European Fiscal Observatory (EUTAX Observatory), Panayiotis Nicolaides, to analyse possible common...

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