Ituna Center for Basque Economic Agreement and Fiscal Federalism Studies
New publications
In this section, you can find current news related to the Economic Agreement of the Basque Autonomous Community and the financial and tax activities of the provincial councils, aiming to broaden knowledge and public opinion regarding the Economic Agreement, the Provincial Treasuries, and, more generally, public finances in the Basque Autonomous Community.

- 2025/01/10
“La implantación del impuesto de utilidades provincial en Álava (1926-1927): el Concierto Económico al servicio de la élite económica vasca” – Mikel Erkoreka y Ana Jimena Martínez de Lagos
Artículo fruto del TFG que Mikel Erkoreka dirigió a Ana Jimena Martínez de Lagos durante el curso 2023/2024.
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- 2024/12/11
The renewal of the Economic Agreement and the modernisation of the Basque treasuries during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera – Mikel Erkoreka and Eduardo Alonso
This chapter aims to study the evolution of the Basque treasuries during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.
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- 2024/12/11
The territorial debate and the “Basque region” during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera – Jon Garro
This chapter aims to study how the autonomous question developed during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.
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- 2024/11/20
Ituna 2024 Survey: Opinion and assessment of the political elite of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country on the Economic Agreement and self-government
The research has been developed by Jon Garro, Asier Blas and Mikel Erkoreka, with the collaboration of the Ituna...
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- 2024/11/19
Clear tax communication. An interdisciplinary approach
This publication, prepared under the direction of Estrella Montolío and Aranzadi publishing house, addresses clear tax communication from different...
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- 2024/10/17
Fiscal Federalism and Diversity Accommodation in Multilevel States: A Comparative Outlook
Francisco Romero and Alice Valdesalici, from EURAC have edited the book «Fiscal Federalism and Diversity Accommodation in Multilevel States: A Comparative Outlook»
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- 2024/10/17
Basque municipal finances and green fiscal equalisation. Results of the application of the Basque Local Sustainability Index – Andoni Montes
Andoni Montes publishes a new article in issue 67 of Zergak.
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- 2024/09/05
The Basque Academy of Law publishes Aranburu’s thesis “The financial scope of the Basque Economic Agreement”
Zuzenbidearen Euskal Akademiak Edriga Aranburu Ituna Zentroaren kolaboratzailearen doktore tesia argitaratu du.
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- 2024/08/01
Should fiscal equalisation and regional policy goals and tools be disentangled?
Andoni Montes has published the research "Should fiscal equalisation and regional policy goals and tools be disentangled?".
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- 2024/05/27
Discovering tax decentralization: Does it impact marginal willingness to pay taxes?
Researchers José Mª Durán-Cabré, Alejandro Esteller-Moré, Luca Salvadori have published their research “Discovering tax decentralization: Does it impact marginal...
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Academy 123
Actuality 180
Ad Concordiam 6
Álava 88
Articles 19
Biscay 97
Breaking news 166
Combating fraud 25
Economic Agreement 56
Europe 96
Guipuzcoa 84
Image gallery 3
International 61
Ituna Newsletter - EN 88
Judicial 9
Navarre 20
New publications 88
Outreach 100
Parliaments 7
People 9
Quota 38
Sundry 9
Taxes 244
XIX Century 3
XX Century 21
XXI Century 239
Documents on the Basque Economic Agreement
Digital Library
The center offers a variety of books, articles, and publications available for consultation in its digital library.