Ituna Center for Basque Economic Agreement and Fiscal Federalism Studies
In this section, you can find current news related to the Economic Agreement of the Basque Autonomous Community and the financial and tax activities of the provincial councils, aiming to broaden knowledge and public opinion regarding the Economic Agreement, the Provincial Treasuries, and, more generally, public finances in the Basque Autonomous Community.

- 2025/01/27
Which tax model do we need?
Patxi Meabe, Pako Etxebeste, Arturo Garcia and Joxemari Muñoa, members of Etiker, have reflected and proposed alternatives about which...
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- 2025/01/21
“Euskal Ogasunen partaidetza maila berria Nazioarteko Foro Fiskaletan” – Sergio del Rey
Sergio del Reyk, Ituna Agiritegiko ikertzailea, hurrengoko analisi artikulua publikatu du Enpresabidea webgunean: “Euskal Ogasunen partaidetza maila berria Nazioarteko...
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- 2025/01/10
Sofía Arana Landín, premio “Jesús María Leizaola” 2024
Sofía Arana Landín ha recibido el premio Jesús María Leizaola 2024 por su trabajo «El Concierto Económico como palanca de cambio para...
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- 2024/12/12
III Ituna Award: Resolution
Resolution of the jury of the III Ituna Award, at a meeting held in Bilbao on December 12, 2024.
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- 2024/11/22
The XIII Ituna Conference analyses the cross-cutting consensus of the Economic Agreement
On November 14, the “XIII Ituna Conference” was held at the Bizkaia Aretoa of the UPV/EHU, organized by the...
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- 2024/11/19
I want to voluntarily comply with my tax obligations. Could you explain this to me better, please?
María Goenaga, professor of the Department of Applied Sociology at the UCM, has prepared the following entry for the...
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- 2024/10/20
XIII Ituna Conference – Registration period open
XIII Ituna Conference. The transversal consensus of the Economic Agreement: a singularity in the Basque political system.
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- 2024/10/15
Improvements in the articulation of tax systems in the 21st century – International Congress
The objective of the congress is to address the different problems posed by the process of economic transformation and...
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- 2024/10/10
Last days to submit proposals for the 3rd edition of the Ituna Award for the best TFM and TFG
The Ituna Award aims to promote and encourage research on the Economic Agreement and the Provincial Treasuries in the...
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- 2024/09/10
The Ituna Centre announces the 3rd edition of the Ituna Award for the best TFM and TFG
The Ituna Centre announces the 3rd edition of the Ituna Award to award the best TFM and TFG in...
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Academy 123
Actuality 180
Ad Concordiam 6
Álava 88
Articles 19
Biscay 97
Breaking news 166
Combating fraud 25
Economic Agreement 56
Europe 96
Guipuzcoa 84
Image gallery 3
International 61
Ituna Newsletter - EN 88
Judicial 9
Navarre 20
New publications 88
Outreach 100
Parliaments 7
People 9
Quota 38
Sundry 9
Taxes 244
XIX Century 3
XX Century 21
XXI Century 239
Documents on the Basque Economic Agreement
Digital Library
The center offers a variety of books, articles, and publications available for consultation in its digital library.