- Outreach
- 2023/06/02
May 26, 2023, California State University, Bakersfield. The Institute of Basque Studies recently held its annual symposium in Bakersfield, California.
The event was a great success, with a speech by Professor in Contemporary History at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication and Director of the Ituna Center, Joseba Agirreazkuenaga. Joseba’s speech “No taxation without Representation”: Past, present and future of the “Basque Economic Agreement” discussed the public finance and tax relations between the Basque Country, the Spanish Kingdom, and the EU. The speeach also raised questions about the fiscal systems of Europe and the United States.
Founded in Bakersfield, the academic institution known as the Institute of Basque Studies, led by directors Steve Gamboa and Iker Arranz, organizes multiple academic events annually.

- Leire Agirreazkuenaga, UCLA: “Agenda 2030: Education For Sustainability In the Basque Autonomous Community”
- Joseba Agirreazkuenaga, University of the Basque Country: “No Taxation Without Representation: Past, Present, and Future of the Basque Economic Agreement”
- Esteban Antxustegi, University of the Basque Country: “The Challenge of Tax Citizenship: An Examination from a Political Philosophy Perspective”
- Asier Barandiaran, University of the Basque Country: “They Say It Best When They Say Nothing At All: Interviews with Basque Immigrants to the U.S.”
- Pedro Oiarzabal, “Fighting Basques of WWII” Memoria Bizia Project: “Kern County Basque World War II Veterans”
- Olatz Gorrotxategi, Frank Bidart Visiting Artist at CSU Bakersfield: “Urrun – Far Away”
The annual festival of the Basques
In addition, on May 27th and 28th, at the home of the Basques in Bakersfield, they also celebrated the annual festival of the Basques, with around 1000 people gathered to celebrate this cultural event.
Overall, this year’s symposium and festival were a great success, bringing together scholars and members of the community to celebrate Basque culture and discuss important economic issues.

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