Ituna Center for Basque Economic Agreement and Fiscal Federalism Studies
XX Century
In this section, you can find current news related to the Economic Agreement of the Basque Autonomous Community and the financial and tax activities of the provincial councils, aiming to broaden knowledge and public opinion regarding the Economic Agreement, the Provincial Treasuries, and, more generally, public finances in the Basque Autonomous Community.
- 2017/09/04
Mining taxation in Africa: The gold mining industry in 14 countries from 1980 to 2015
The lack of information about the sharing of mining resource rent between governments and investors is an easy statement...
Read article- 2017/07/21
Tax Policy for Great Society Programs: Tax Expenditure and the Failure of Comprehensive Tax Reform in the United States in 1969
On December 30, 1969, Richard Nixon signed the Tax Reform Act of 1969—originally crafted by the Treasury Department during...
Read article- 2017/04/27
Trends and gradients in top tax elasticities: Cross-country evidence, 1900–2014
We compile data spanning the period 1900–2014 and up to 30 countries to study long-run patterns in the tax...
Read article- 2017/04/22
Reassessing tax effort in developing countries: a proposal of a vulnerability-adjusted tax effort index (VATEI)
This paper describes the estimation of a new tax e ort index for 120 developing countries over 1990-2012. Two...
Read article- 2017/04/12
VI jornadas. El Concierto Económico en los medios de comunicación
El jueves 6 de abril se celebró en el Bizkaia Aretoa una jornada sobre el Concierto Económico en los...
Read article- 2017/03/15
Elkarrizketa Joseba Agirreazkuenagari Kontzertu Ekonomikoaren inguruan
Euskadi Irratiak Joseba Agirreazkuenaga, UPV/EHUko Gaur Egungo Historiako katedraduna eta Ekonomi Itunaren eta Foru Ogasunen Dokumentazio Agiritegiaren zuzendaria, elkarrizketatu...
Read article- 2017/01/25
La Norma Foral 3/87 Cumple 30 años
Jose Luis Etxeberria Monasterio Legalari burua – Letrado jefe Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia – Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia Gran Via...
Read article- 2016/12/21
El Tribunal Constitucional limita la capacidad legislativa de las Juntas Generales vascas en materia fiscal
El Tribunal Constitucional ha declarado inconstitucional y nulo el artículo 30.2 de la Norma Foral 10/2006, de 29 de...
Read article- 2016/11/12
Fiscal equalization schemes and subcentral government borrowing
We analyse the role played by fiscal equalisation schemes in determining sub-national borrowing. We test econometrically the link between...
Read article- 2016/11/11
Business income and business taxation in the United States since the 1950s
In theory, the U.S. tax system aims to attribute and tax all business income to individuals. But the tax...
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Academy 123
Actuality 180
Ad Concordiam 6
Álava 88
Articles 19
Biscay 97
Breaking news 166
Combating fraud 25
Economic Agreement 56
Europe 96
Guipuzcoa 84
Image gallery 3
International 61
Ituna Newsletter - EN 88
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Navarre 20
New publications 88
Outreach 100
Parliaments 7
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Quota 38
Sundry 9
Taxes 244
XIX Century 3
XX Century 21
XXI Century 239
Documents on the Basque Economic Agreement
Digital Library
The center offers a variety of books, articles, and publications available for consultation in its digital library.