The EU Tax Observatory has published his latest research “Tax Transparency by Multinationals”, by Giulia Aliprandi and Kane Borders.

Country-by-Country Reporting is a key data source for understanding the activities of multinational frms. This note explores public Country-by-Country Reports (CbCRs) published by multinational companies to highlight several important trends. First, while only a small number of large multinationals currently publish their CbCRs, the number of companies is increasing rapidly for both large and smaller multinational frms. However, these reports are scattered across different sets of documents, making collecting and analysing them challenging. Second, CbCR publishing is driven by European companies, especially companies active in the extractive sector. Finally, published reports are generally not complete in terms of variables included but present a satisfactory geographical disaggregation inmost cases.


Read the full note here.


About the EU Tax Observatoty

The EU Tax Observatory is an independent research laboratory hosted at the Paris School of Economics. It conducts innovative research on taxation, contributes to a democratic and inclusive debate on the future of taxation, and fosters a dialogue between the scientific community, civil society, and policymakers in the European Union and worldwide.




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