- Internazionala
- 2019/03/08
The University of Innsbruck in cooperation with Eurac Research invites applications for two PhD, for a period of 3 years. The doctoral student will be enrolled at the University of Innsbruck and will be based both at Eurac Research (Bozen/Bolzano – Italy) and at the University of Innsbruck and participates in the doctoral programme there.
· Pursuing a PhD in the field of “Federalism Studies”
· Collaboration at the “Research Center on Federalism – Politics and Law”, University of Innsbruck and the Institute for Comparative Federalism, Eurac Research
· Training and research on federalism studies
· Participation in conferences, congresses, inhouse and external trainings
· Assistance in the teaching and research activities at the Institute for Comparative Federalism and the Research Center on Federalism – Politics and Law
· Diploma or master degree in Political Science or related field of study with a focus on federalism studies
· Very good knowledge in the field of social science methodology
· Very good English skills
· Ability to work in a team
We offer:
– Start at the earliest convenience
– Minimum gross salary (stipulated by collective agreement) of € 2.096/month (14 times). The salary will be higher if the candidate has worked in a similar position before
– 30 hours/week
– Opportunities for career development and PhD training programme at Eurac Research (http://www.eurac.edu/en/research/Pages/phd_programme/EURAC-phd-programme–Training.aspx)
– Numerous attractive offers at the University of Innsbruck (https://www.uibk.ac.at/universitaet/zusatzleistungen/)
– Attractive living conditions in the middle of the Alps
How to apply:
The full announcement, deadlines and rules for application are published on the following websites:
(https://orawww.uibk.ac.at/public/karriereportal.details?asg_id_in=10317) and (https://orawww.uibk.ac.at/public/karriereportal.details?asg_id_in=10318)
Interested candidates should submit their application including their PhD proposal (max. 5 pages) by 22.03.2019 online at the following links: (https://orawww.uibk.ac.at/public/karriereportal.details?asg_id_in=10317) and (https://orawww.uibk.ac.at/public/karriereportal.details?asg_id_in=10318)
Kategoria guztiak
Ad Concordiam 9
Akademia 65
Araba 135
Argitalpen berriak 81
Artikuluak 19
Askotarikoak 6
Berri berriak 226
Bizkaia 151
Egunekoa 190
Ekonomia Ituna 82
Epaitegietatik 18
Europa 48
Gipuzkoa 151
Hedakuntza 114
Internazionala 60
Irudi-galeria 8
Iruzurraren aurkako borroka 30
Kupoa 48
Nafarroa 50
Parlamentuak 14
Pertsonaiak 15
XIX. Mendea 7
XX. Mendea 20
XXI. Mendea 292
Zergak 234