- AkademiaEuropaZergak
- 2016/09/26
This paper presents new estimates of wealth inequality in Sweden during 2000–2012, linking wealth register data up to 2007 and individually capitalized wealth based on income and property tax registers for the period thereafter when a repeal of the wealth tax stopped the collection of individual wealth statistics. We find that wealth inequality increased after 2007 and that more unequal bank holdings and apartment ownership appear to be important drivers. We also evaluate the performance of the capitalization method by contrasting its estimates and their dispersion with observed stocks in register data up to 2007. The goodness-of-fit varies tremendously across assets and we conclude that although capitalized wealth estimates may well approximate overall inequality levels and trends, they are highly sensitive to assumptions and the quality of the underlying data sources.
Complete article
Kategoria guztiak
Ad Concordiam 9
Akademia 65
Araba 135
Argitalpen berriak 81
Artikuluak 19
Askotarikoak 6
Berri berriak 226
Bizkaia 151
Egunekoa 190
Ekonomia Ituna 82
Epaitegietatik 18
Europa 48
Gipuzkoa 151
Hedakuntza 114
Internazionala 60
Irudi-galeria 8
Iruzurraren aurkako borroka 30
Kupoa 48
Nafarroa 50
Parlamentuak 14
Pertsonaiak 15
XIX. Mendea 7
XX. Mendea 20
XXI. Mendea 292
Zergak 234