Doctoral Meeting of Researchers in International Taxation and Postdoctoral International Tax Forum - IBDF


The purpose of the DocMIT and PITF is to provide researchers with an opportunity to discuss their current research projects with leading academics and a select circle of colleagues. Participants benefit from tailored coaching provided by our panel of international tax professors, as well as from feedback provided by peers from around the world.


When and where?

3 – 4 June 2024 | IBFD Head Office – Amsterdam, the Netherlands, organised by the IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation).


Who should attend?

  • DocMIT: The DocMIT is designed for students working on their doctoral theses in the fields of international, European or comparative tax law. There are no age limits or requirements concerning the stage of development of theses. Nevertheless, we expect all participants to have made some substantial progress in their research already and to have a good grasp of their subject, well-defined research questions, at least a first outline of their thesis and preferably some preliminary conclusions. Doctoral students should be at a stage where the external coaching and exchange of points are most valuable. A maximum of 12 doctoral students will be admitted. Applications will be selected on the basis of the quality and originality of their research as stated in the synopsis.
  • PITF: The aim of the PITF is to provide a worldwide forum for young tax scholars from all over the world to meet and discuss their ongoing research projects. In order to qualify, applicants must: 〉 Have obtained their PhD 〉 Be under the age of 50 〉 Spend 30% or more of their work time on research-related activities (regardless of the place in which such activities are
    performed: universities, international organizations, institutes, research centres, etc.).


Application procedure and requirements

All documents should be sent at

  • DocMIT:a short CV, a synopsis of your research, a scanned version of the certificate of enrolment in an official PhD programme.
  • PITF: a short CV, a synopsis of your research, a scanned version of your PhD certificate.


Deadlines and time frame.

Prior to the meeting, all participants will receive by email:

  • 31 December 2023: Applications for the DocMIT and PITF
  • 15 January 2024: Announcement of the selected participants
  • 11 May 2024: Submission of PowerPoint presentations and of the revised synopses


For further information click here.