Federal Scholar - Eurac Research Institute for Comparative Federalism


The Institute for Comparative Federalism established the yearly Federal Scholar in Residence Program in order to enhance the comparative study of federalism and regionalism by providing an opportunity for exchange among scholars in the field and to thereby inspire and develop new project ideas. The winner of each is granted a research stay of up to three weeks at Eurac Research in Bolzano/Bozen, South Tyrol, Italy and gets the opportunity to discuss and present their research on issues related to comparative federalism, regionalism and/or intergovernmental relations with international experts in the field.



The Federal Scholar in Residence Program addresses experts who wish to present and discuss questions of federalism and regionalism that are of importance to legislators, civil servants and the international academic community. It promotes comparative research at Eurac Research and aims to interconnect experts and their networks in order to advance comparative federal and regional studies.

The program welcomes applications from scholars and practitioners who study and work in the fields of federalism, regionalism and intergovernmental relations. It was set up in honor of the works of Sergio Ortino, the founder of Federalism Studies in South Tyrol.

In short, the Federal Scholar in Residence Program is:

  • a public acknowledgement of excellence covering the costs of a research stay at the Institute for Comparative Federalism
  • a possibility to present own research findings publicly and engage into face-to-face discussions with a group of international experts in constitutional law and comparative politics at Eurac Research
  • an occasion for academics, post-docs and practitioners to extend and share their knowledge of multilevel government and governance in the South Tyrolean setting, a trilingual Italian autonomous province bordering Switzerland and Austria
  • an opportunity to develop new project ideas while being part of our international research environment

Please find all information regarding formal requirements and selection procedure below. For further inquiries please contact us via email. ​​



The winner of the Federal Scholar in Residence program is granted a research stay of up to 3 weeks at the Institute for Comparative Federalism. Although the winner can flexibly plan their stay, the month of February would represent a particularly good opportunity to develop new ideas while profiting from the international research environment of the renowned Winter School on Federalism and Governance.

The program comprises:

  • The possibility to present and to publish one’s work in our online series EDAP or one of our book series, if considered appropriate by the president of the jury
  • A work place and free access to the Library, including online library services
  • The use of our administrative structures (secretariat and project development service)
  • A return ticket economic fare
  • Accommodation in a single room in a standard guesthouse in centrally located areas of Bolzano/Bozen (within walking distance to Eurac Research)

NOTE: The single conditions are subject to prior agreement with the project manager and to Eurac Research’s internal rules and regulations. In any case, neither board nor a family allowance can be provided.

For more information and submission