Federal Scholar in Residence Program 2024 - EURAC


Federal Scholar in Residence Program 2024 – Apply by 1 July!

Do you work in a field related to comparative federalismregionalism or intergovernmental relations? Are you interested in multi-level government?
Then enter the competition to not miss the chance to discuss your research with international scholars and experts at the Eurac Research Institute for Comparative Federalism in Bolzano/Bozen.

If successful, you will be granted a three-week research stay at Eurac Research in Bolzano/Bozen (South Tyrol) in the heart of the Alps.

Hand in a paper (yet to be published or currently under review) on comparative federalism, regionalism or intergovernmental relations in English, German, Italian, French or Spanish by 1 July 2023.


 Application information

Just send the following documents to federalscholar@eurac.edu:

  • an abstract in English
  • an anonymized full-fledged paper in English, German, Italian, French, or Spanish (no draft papers in which subchapters are missing and no research plans are accepted)
  • please state ‘I hereby confirm that the submitted work (INSERT TITLE) will not have been published within two months following the deadline for submission’ in the paper
  • a short CV
  • letter of motivation (max. 2 pages)


The programme offer

  • research stay of up to three weeks
  • travel costs
  • accommodation in Bolzano/Bozen
  • the chance to meet and discuss one’s own research with experts in comparative federalism and regionalism
  • the chance to develop project ideas and plan a common project with the researchers of the Institute for Comparative Federalism
  • the chance to publish your work in book series/edited volumes and online journals of or affiliated with the Institute for Comparative Federalism


NOTICE: Although you can flexibly plan your stay within the year 2024, the month of February would represent a particularly good opportunity to develop new ideas while profiting from the international research environment of the renowned Winter School on Federalism and Governance.


Please refer to our website (www.eurac.edu/federalscholar) for all details. For any further questions, contact us at federalscholar@eurac.edu.

Please feel free to disseminate this information among interested colleagues and in your networks.